Ingemar Stenmark Ambassador for the Foundation

January 11, 2023

Ingemar Stenmark, one of the foremost alpine skiers and athlete of all time, is an ambassador for the Börje Salming ALS Foundation.

“I have been a close friend of Börje and the Salming family for a long time and I am happy that I can support the work of the Börje Salming ALS Foundation,” says Ingemar Stenmark.

The role of ambassador for the Börje Salming ALS Foundation means working in the spirit of Börje and drawing attention to the need for research into the disease and support for relatives.

“I think everyone who has followed Börje is touched by what he and his family were forced to go through. If I can contribute to increasing understanding and knowledge about the disease, I am glad that I can help,” says Ingemar Stenmark.

Ingemar Stenmark is one of the world's leaders in slalom and giant slalom with a total of two Olympic golds, five World Cup golds and 86 World Cup victories and has been awarded the Svenska Dagbladet Gold Medal in 1975 and 1978.

Ingemar Stenmark together with Nicklas Lidström, Karin Karlström and Pia Salming from the Börje Salming ALS Foundation. Photo: Börje Salming ALS Foundation

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