Mora IK's one krona match for Börje Salming
Mora IK has a long tradition of combining hockey with charitable causes. So also this year when the club decided to raise money for the Börje Salming ALS Foundation in connection with the club's Enkronasmatch.

The choice was easy for us. Börje means so much to hockey, both here in Sweden and abroad and we at Mora IK want to do our bit,” says Peter Masuhr, acting club director, Mora IK.
In 2013 Mora IK conducted its first Enkronasmatch. The arrangement means that companies that choose to join the Enkronas match pay a penny and for each spectator who comes to the match and then pays an optional amount per visitor. In the past, the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund and the Tobias Register have benefited from the proceeds, and this year it became the Börje Salming ALS Foundation.
Met Börje in a parking lot
“I really have no personal connection to Börje any more than that I met him once by chance in a parking lot in Furudal and he was just as everyone says, a genuinely lovely and humble person, despite his greatness.
The release was conducted by Nicklas Lidström, a board member of the Börje Salming ALS Foundation, who, before the game started, told about the foundation and its efforts to raise money in support of ALS research.
“We have received very good feedback from both the public and the club. This is definitely something we would like to do as a recurring arrangement.
Mora IK's Enkronasmatch contributed SEK 50,000 to the Börje Salming ALS Foundation.

Photo: Krister Larsson
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The latest from the Foundation and research in ALS